Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Gym Slog

Since I am doing a sport science degree, I think it is fairly important to stay in shape and be healthy, I have therefore decided to join the university gym. I am already a member at my works gym but thought it would be more convenient to work out at uni between my lectures.
I had my induction yesterday and it was surprisingly fun (as gym inductions go!). There was a small group of us and we were just showed how to use all of the different machines and free weights. As part of our 'contract' we had to show that we could correctly and safely do a dead lift. I have done many dead lifts before so I completed it with ease, with some of the other members of the group saying I was obviously a 'gym pro'!
I am looking forward to spending a lot of time over the next two years in the gym and swimming pool at my university and will keep you all updated with my progress and any funny happenings which may occur!