Thursday, 31 October 2013

Everyday Fall Makeup

- Rimmel London Match Perfection Foundation in Ivory
- Rimmel London Hide The blemish Concealer in Natural
- Rimmel London Scandal Eyes Mascara 
- Maybelline Baby Lips in Peach
- Rimmel, NYC or Soap&Glory Nude or Berry Eyeshadow Palette
- Rimmel London Eyebrow Pencil in Light Brown
- Rimmel London Stay Matte Powder in Translucent 

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Miracle Spot Treatment

Recently my skin has been breaking out, and as usual I have been applying tea tree oil to the problem areas, however it doesn't seem to have been doing the trick this time around. I searched through my cupboards and came across sudocrem and decided to give it a go. I simply applied a thickish layer to the problem areas before bed and when I woke up they had dramatically reduced in size and redness, and about two days later they had completely cleared up.
Sudocrem is definitely a miracle spot treatment!

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Make-up Revival

Make up doesn't have to be thrown out or ignored if it is the wrong shade or you have simply gotten bored with it. These quick and easy tips will leave you with a refreshed make up collection and less waste!

1. It is a quite common mistake to pick out foundation and powders which are too dark for your skin tone, however it doesn't have to be wasted. Simply use as a bronzer to add subtle colour and contours to your cheeks in the 3E motion.

2. Shimmer bricks, bronzers and certain coloured blushes can double up as eye-shadow, both matte and shimmery finishes work great for creating neutral eye looks.

3. Subtle pink, coral and orange/red lipsticks and lip balms can be used as blush. Simply apply a small amount to the apples of your cheeks and blend it out for a natural glowing look.

4. DIY - Crush an old eye shadow into a powder texture and carefully add to a bottle of clear nail varnish, stir well. This will create cheap nail varnishes in any colour that you chose.

5. DIY - Crush an old eye shadow (preferably reds, pinks, oranges, nudes) and carefully add to a pot of clear lip balm and mix well. This will create lip balms with added colour.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Heatless Hair #2

1. Gather all of your hair into a high pony tail.
2. Place a bun donut over the pony tail and ensure all of the donut is covered before securing with bobby pins or a hair tie.
3. Separate the ends of your hair into two sections and plait each one. To plait separate each section into three and cross the outside pieces over the middle piece.
4. Wrap the two plaits around the base of the bun and secure with bobby pins.

DIY:  Make your own bun donut by using an old, clean sock. Simply fasten the sock into a loop and place over the pony tail. Then continue as you would with the donut.

Heatless Hair #1

In attempt to make my hair more healthy I have been seriously cutting down the amount of heat that I use to style it, which has lead me to find new and interesting hair style to try out this fall.
This first style simply involves dutch braiding your hair into a bun.

1. Part your hair into a deep side parting.
2. Dutch braid (or french braid if you prefer) the front two sections following the line of your head and ending at the ear. Finish each braid off by plaiting the hair to the tips. To dutch braid simply separate the hair into three sections and do a normal plait but taking a little bit more hair to the outer two sections each time you cross it under the middle section
3. Gather the rest of your hair into a bun and secure with bobby pins or a hair tie.

TIP: For an easier and neater looking bun try using a bun donut. Simply place the donut around your pony tail and ensure all of the donut is covered with hair before securing with a hair tie and wraping around the lose ends.
DIY: A bun donut can be made yourself by using an old, clean sock. Simply fasten your sock into a loop and place over the pony tail, then continue as you would with the donut.

Thursday, 17 October 2013


Green Lace Peplum Jumper - Miss Selfridge
Black Leigh Jeans - Topshop
Chunky Knit Scarf - (Similar) Tesco
Chocolate Brown Mini Ugg Boots - Ugg Australia

Friday, 11 October 2013


There's going to come a day when we've all grown up, had a career, maybe got married and had kids, when were all going about our daily routine. Maybe you're driving to work with the car radio on, or you're making dinner with the tv on in the lounge. Life as usual, and then we hear a name. It's the name of the person you had a blog dedicated to when you were 16. The person you had posters of up on your bedroom wall, or as your desktop background. The person off that show you used to watch every week, as soon as it came out, or that band you used to love. The person from the cast of a movie that changed your life, or the character who you scrolled through page after page of fanfiction of. You haven't heard that name in a long time, and it brings everything back. And then the name is followed by three words you thought you'd never hear. Has Passed Away. And then you put down the potato peeler and lean back against your kitchen bench, or you pull over to the side of the road, and tears are streaming down your face. And all over the world, there are people who used to be just like you, with tears marking their cheeks and sobs forcing their way out of their throat, because they remember. Because fandoms never really die out. We never really move on. We never really forget.

-Taken from tumblr

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Animal Jumpers

Dani Owl Intarsia Jumper - £45 at Fatface
Dani bird Intarsia Jumper - £45 at Fatface
Partridge Marsha Intarsia Jumper - £70 at Joules
Cream Reindeer Fluffy Christmas Jumper - £25 at Newlook
Brave Soul Burgundy Owl Applique Jumper - £20 at Newlook
Bambi Knit Taupe Sweater - £235 at
Limited Edition Racoon Jumper - £18 at Tesco
Oh Dear Sweater - £55 at
Grey Owl Motif Jumper - £27 at

A/W 2013 seems to be showing a lot of cute animal jumpers, and honestly I can't wait to dig out my reindeer and bird jumpers out of the back of my wardrobe and feel warm, snuggly and cute all winter.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Lab Report Stress

For my physiology module I have been assigned to write a lab report, which being me I have decided to start 3 months before the deadline for submission.
This has resulted in me sitting at my desk with 9 webpage tabs open, 3 PDF files and several research journals scattered across the floor just to write a 600 word introduction. 
...Stressed isn't even the word!

Monday, 7 October 2013

September Favourites

Philip Kingsley Hair Elastisizer Extreme
Blue Denny Stripe Fairilse Jumper - £38 at Fatface
Green ace Peplum Jumper - £42 at Miss Selfridge
Fall is finally here which means I can dig out my old, and in this case new, jumpers. All summer long I have waitied for the weather to be cold enough to justify wearing jumpers again, and now that it has arrived I can safely say that I will be living in Knitwear for the next few months.
As I have probably mentioned before I suffer from dry and damaged hair, and as an attempt to combat this I have been sampling out all of the hair products I can find which suit dry/damaged hair. When browsing in John Lewis' I stumbled across Philip Kingsley, which is apparently renowned for fixing various hair problems. I purchased the elastisiser, shampoo and conditioner for dry/frizzy hair and have loved it ever since I first used it. The elastisiser is a pre-shampoo treatment which you leave on for 10-20 minutes and let me tell you, it is an actual miracle worker! My hair has been far less dry and I have actually noticed less split ends. I have to admit it is a little pricey being a high end product, but it is definitely worth it if you want quick and lasting results.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Gym Slog

Since I am doing a sport science degree, I think it is fairly important to stay in shape and be healthy, I have therefore decided to join the university gym. I am already a member at my works gym but thought it would be more convenient to work out at uni between my lectures.
I had my induction yesterday and it was surprisingly fun (as gym inductions go!). There was a small group of us and we were just showed how to use all of the different machines and free weights. As part of our 'contract' we had to show that we could correctly and safely do a dead lift. I have done many dead lifts before so I completed it with ease, with some of the other members of the group saying I was obviously a 'gym pro'!
I am looking forward to spending a lot of time over the next two years in the gym and swimming pool at my university and will keep you all updated with my progress and any funny happenings which may occur!